© 2025 Oriental Motor (Europa) GmbH
Get a quick overview of product features, applications, initial operations or maintenance with the help of videos.
with mounting adapter
High positioning accuracy in the submicron range
Application example XYZ theta inspection system
Small, thin and lightweight with high resolution
Simple integration of the DGII rotary actuators in UR robots
Simple installation on the motor and easy wiring with one cable
High torque in the high speed range
Shorter cooling times with a centrifugal blower compared to an axial flow fan
Automated guided vehicle (AGV)/Autonomous mobile robot (AMR)
Workpiece disassembly
Workpiece visual inspection
Workpiece assembly and press fitting
Workpiece transfer and alignment
Trapezoidal drive and sinusoidal drive in comparison
Self-made transport robots
Cost-effective, space-saving and easy to operate
Application example for robot with multi-axis driver
Application example for lifting device
Application example for SCARA robot
Application example for transport robot
Application example for vertical multi-axis robot
Application example for cartesian robot
with electric drives from Oriental Motor
Brief introduction
If you have any questions, please call our toll-free hotline number or send an e-mail to: Technical: tech-support(at)orientalmotor.de Sales: sales(at)orientalmotor.de Others: contact(at)orientalmotor.de
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